We are Safe!



You may have heard of the devastating bushfires happening through many parts of Australia.
Over the last few days our own town and surrounding areas have been heavily impacted by what is being described as an apocolypse.
Yes, we are safe.
At the moment we have power and communication.  But for how long, we don’t know.
Many, many people have lost their homes, some have lost the lives of loved ones, many businesses have been burnt.  Entire towns have been completely erased.
We are grateful that the town we live in is ok, that we still have our home and that we are fine.
Here are a few photos to give you an idea of what has been happening.

This town is about 20 minutes drive away from where we live.  It was a town full of gorgeous old buildings, full of history and the homes, businesses and lives of many people in our area.

The next photo is of the town we live in, the first photo taken around 9.30am, the second at around 11.30am.  We were surrounded by heavy red smoke for the rest of the day.  It was eerie, we had no vision, couldn’t breathe outside and had no way of knowing what was going on.  Fortunately, today is a little better.


Our favourite beach, which we go to regularly, was littered with the black leaves and debris which was washed up on the shore line, all burnt by the devastating fires that are still burning, many still out of control.


These fires are raging up and down our beautiful coast line.  The impact will be massive and long lasting.  And even for those of us who still have our homes, the regional impact will also be long lasting.
The fires are not out yet, things could change in an instant.  However, we are staying positive and now starting to think of ways to help those who have lost everything.

For those of you celebrating the start of 2020, I wish you all the best for this year.
All we can do is hope and pray that it will rain!

I will try to keep a little crafting happening sometimes, and to share that with you here when I can.
In the meantime, your thoughts and prayers would be appreciated more than you could possibly know.






3 thoughts on “We are Safe!

  1. Hi Chris,

    We have seen the devastation on the news over here, but your email really brings it home to me how bad it I it is impossible for us over here to imagine what it is like. I do hope that you and your family remain safe at home and that the fires are brought under control soon. I will be thinking of your and everyone affected by this awful situation and my prayers are with you.

    Ann xx


  2. You have been on my mind since news of these dreaful fires reached us. I really cannot imagine the depth of the devestation and how long this is going to take for your country to recover. I hope these fires do not come any closer, stay safe my friend.

    Dionne xx


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